I want to know about this topic. I read many books,publication. I want to stand in this field. My topic is best advertising videos. Digital video is wonderful content that can do many amazing things for a brand—educate, simplify, elicit emotion, tell compelling stories, change perceptions, etc. However, I have heard so many companies say, “I spent tens of thousands of dollars on a video, and it didn’t work.” When trying to understand WHY it didn’t work, more often than not, the video was posted to their website/YouTube channel, never to be spoken of again. You can’t see what you can’t see, and where many companies may be missing the proverbial mark is in developing a comprehensive digital video strategy to drive traffic to their video, using the right message and reaching the right audience on the right platform. Prior to developing your video, it is important to understand the following elements to make sure it’s a success. Is this right information? I didn't get the right solution.
please help.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.