I read many books,publication. I want to stand in this field.My topic is Cleantech Marketing Examples. By purchasing high quality mailing lists from reliable providers, water treatment businesses may be able to increase the impact of their marketing tactics. However, there are no substitutes for measurement and evaluation mechanisms. A robust measurement and evaluation process should include metrics that can be monitored on a monthly, weekly or even daily basis. Designed to monitor marketing efforts on a campaign-by-campaign basis, these metrics can be used as a baseline for strategic planning. Simple quantitative tools are a good start. However, water treatment businesses often choose to consult with professional marketers for assessment tools and strategic insights. Is this right information about? I have gone through many related sources and also searched on the internet but didn't get the right solution.
please help.

Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.

Отредактировано Shawnturner (2017-12-11 13:08:53)